Pelosi’s Finger of Friendship Extended to the White House

Speaker Pelosi, responding to the President’s threat to veto any military funding bill that includes a deadline for withdrawal, told him to “calm down” and “take a deep breath”.

The speaker’s conciliatory remarks went on to say:

“On this very important matter, I would extend a hand of friendship to the president, [With the traditional Pelosi finger of conciliation fully extended] just to say to him, ‘Calm down with the threats,” [Please. No way I can get enough moonbat vote to override your veto] she said. “There’s a new Congress in town [And we’re in no hurry to do anything, see our first 100 days]. We accept your constitutional role. [Unless you are exercising your constitutional right to hire & fire political appointees in the Executive branch] We want you to accept ours.” [Ours meaning yours and ours]

Way to defuse the situation Madame Speaker. Nice skeells.

Page Sixteen News?

Esposa found this story buried on page 16 of the Dallas Morning News – Sky News: Sailors And Marines Seized. Yahoo News has the story buried under News>World>Middle East. I guess page 1 is reserved for status updates on Angelina Jolie’s new Vietnamese baby.

AoS blogged it yesterday here. I guess their hostage taking president didn’t feel comfortable stepping on US soil while, yet again holding hostages to further his apocalyptic agenda.

Maybe I’ve been to focused on basketball and missed the outrage. Anybody out there seen the outrage on this one? Guess it’s really not front page news because the Brits didn’t kill any women and children.

Update: Ken Shepherd over at Newsbusters makes the same point here, much more articulately than I. What he said!

Will Offset Carbon Footprint for Food

OK so I’m not real hip on all this intertubes bloggerific trackbackery and so forth, but mesablue over at Absolute Moral Authority admittedly stole this from The Bullwinkle Blog who gave a hat tip to Ace of Spades HQ which should in itself discourage a blogospheric peon like me from purloining pics of political punditry from these paragons of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. But all three of you who read here know I’m not the sharpest light bulb in the deck…


Gaia be praised!

All Aboard The Global Warming Train

(Hollywood, CA) While Hollywood A-listers have all left the station riding the Peace Train to Washington, fear not for the B-listers, failed presidential candidates, and university eggheads who are planning a road trip themselves.

Bouyed by the sweet comeback success of former presidential loser Al Gore, fellow comebackers are hoping for Oscar/Nobel nominations of their own by jumping on the Global Warming Train and riding it all the way to Kyoto.

The latest quasi-celeb to speak out today was Sonic the Hedgehog star of 90’s cartoon fame and Sega games of the same name.
“What’s crackalackin’? The polar ice cap that’s what. Anyone who doubts the validity of the science behind global warming can feel the sting of my prick

-ly quills”

Citing the plight of poor non-hibernating Scottish hedgehogs who have lost their prickliness, Sonic is going full Al Gore promising a college campus tour, demonstrations, a yet to be released book titled “An Inconvenient Quill”, and a movie version of the same name. He expects the old gang, Tails, Scratch, and Grounder to join him in his awareness raising efforts.

Skeptics though are not hard to find. Noted scientist Dr. Robotnik when reached for comment would only say “I hate that hedgehog.” When asked to comment Sonic seemed unphased, but dodged any questions saying only “Okay Vern, gotta burn” before spinning out of the news conference.